This is a Technical Death Metal band from land down under, good old Australia! This
band is a true Death Metal super group which includes members of DYING FETUS,
SUFFOCATION and, MISERY INDEX along with the drummer Kevin Tally rounding
out the cast. They started in 2011 by the name EVISCERATOR as they were for the
first four years, changing it to BLADE OF HORUS in 2015. The band's lyrical themes
consists of Greek Egyptian, sci-fi, future and human extinction. I believe their lyrical
themes matches the intensity of the technical sound. This is there debut EP called
"MONUMENTAL MASSACRE" released in January of 2016 starting off the insanity
with an instrumental track before leading you into the dark abyss of hell. The band put
out an independent single "Slain" from the label LACERATED ENEMY RECORDS.
This technically sound album has more of a tactical sound as opposed to an all out
brutality fest. This EP has seven tracks of smartly done, high energy tempo mixed in
with skills within each instrument. Metal with intelligence and brutality, a perfect storm
with each track from start to finish. With really deep demonic guttural vocals and bone
crushing array of speed and grace with the power of quick double bass and slightly high
pitch sounds on guitars. The sound of BLADE OF HORUS is unmistakable! I hope to
see a full length in the future. For fans of DEATH, JOB FOR A COWBOY and
- Reviewed by Kevin Cressman