Self Released
Chad Frey has returned with his newest release "OPEN. PLAY. REBEL". Chad Frey
plays a different style of Rock music that brings in touches of other styles of music
genres. I can hear elements of Punk, Crossover, Hair Metal, Traditional Heavy Metal and
Classic Rock with some Thrash thrown in at times. In the guitars is where I hear most of
the Thrash, Traditional Heavy Metal and Crossover sounds. The drums have an up beat
kind of Pop Punk sound to them with some Heavy Metal mixed in as well. This is a
weird kind of mix of different music genres. The vocals are done in a mix of Classic Rock
meets Pop Punk meets Heavy Metal. Chad made this album with Dwight Fullingim and it
took him two year to make. "OPEN. PLAY. REBEL" is his seventh album to date with
his first release being back in 2004. I have reviewed a few of his previous releases over
the years and I would have to say this is my favorite of them all so far. It is kind of hard
to figure out what fans of the above genres would be more into this, but I advise everyone
with an open mind and love of multiple genres to check this out and make the decision for
themselves. Chad has definitely improved over the years and most people should start
with this release and work their way backwards. Check it out.