It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my beautiful
loving wife Mia Jo Waddell on May 22nd, 2016. Many of you already
know that Mia had a long hard fight with breast cancer. This was her
second time dealing with this horrible disease. Mia was diagnosed back
in late 2009 the first time with breast cancer. She fought for a year and a
half going through tons of chemotherapy treatments, radiation and two
major surgeries. Once she got a clean bill of health we sold our house
and everything we could and moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado from
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Everyone thought we were crazy, because
we didn't have any jobs, a place to live or know anyone there. We had
each other and that was all we needed. We stayed there for two years
and then moved to Lakeland, Florida so Mia could be close to her family.
In that time Mia's health seemed to be getting worse again. It was not
until the end of November 2015 that I took Mia to the emergency room
and we had found out that her cancer had come back and worse than
before. The breast cancer had gotten into her blood stream and spread to
her liver and lung. She was diagnosed with stage four terminal cancer.
They tried giving her chemo treatments to help prolong her life, but the
side effects from the chemo completely destroyed her. After six months
of treatments she decided to stop and go on Hospice Care. She fought a
long hard battle, longer than any of us ever expected her to. She did it
for us. I have never seen a more strong willed person who suffered
through so much pain and discomfort for the love of others. On May
22nd, 2016 Mia passed away and hopefully is now at peace and pain
free. She so deserves it.
On August 11th, 2016 Mia and I would have been together for 20
years. There is no way that I could sum up the 20 years we spent
together here. I know that she was always supportive of my music label,
webzine and website, even if she wasn't into most of the music or
horror movies. She would always encourage me and let me know how
important music & horror movies were to me. They would always pull
me through tough times as did she. I am going to try and carry on with
out her, even though it will be the most difficult thing I have ever done. I
maybe the one doing most of the work on the website, but Mia was
always the heart and inspiration behind it all. I will forever cherish the
time I had with her and will always use those memories to keep moving
forward, just as Mia would want me to. I just know that her being in my
life has made me a better person. In fact, everyone she encountered has
been affected by her kind, loving heart. Their lives have been changed
forever. She would always put everyone before herself and do what ever
she could to make some one else's life better. She did this right to the
end. I will forever love you Mia!
- Burt Wolf

October 23, 1965 - May 22nd, 2016